Tuesday, October 27, 2009

So much for one a day!

I bought The Get Up Kid's Four Minute Mile and Save The Day's Stay What You Are the summer between my junior and senior years of High School. I was driving a green Toyota Tacoma with a big, clunky topper on the back, in which I had constructed a platform bed and a surfboard storage area, all in hopes of driving around, sleeping in the back of my truck, listening to music and staring out at the ocean at dawn and at dusk by myself. It had been a weird summer, and I was really getting a knack for running away from things. I decided to graduate early; I had the credits I needed; what was the point of staying? So, I told the school what I was doing, they said "sure." They didn't seem to care at all, but they did keep me from being included in the Mr Venice contest because technically I had graduated and they "couldn't control what I would do on stage." I had wanted to play this song by Saves The Day:

But, I got denied, and probably for the better as I had a pretty terrible voice, even for covering whiny ass Saves The Day.

So, I graduated and moved to California. I drove out west with Tim Croft and my Dad, caravaning with my green truck and Tim's white bronco--Janessa, he called it, if memory serves me correctly. It was a good trip. I listened to Four Minute Mile and Stay What You are A LOT, and really still love both those albums and miss that period of music. Here's one of the Get Up Kids newer songs, an album that I HATED when it came out, but one I have learned to really enjoy.

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"As you get older it is harder to have heroes, but it is sort of necessary."