Sunday, June 14, 2009

The rehearsal dinner was held at Greg and Janina's house, just south of them a ways. Their house was too perfect for words, and was tucked away in a little bay, overlooking these beautiful little islands and points. Ezra made a big bucket of decadent pulled pork and we all sat and ate and drank and watched the sun set. As darkness fell (it didn't get dark until almost 2200 hrs), Greg made a fire out back on the water and we all sat around and talked or stared silently at the profound beauty that is rural, coastal Nova Scotia at dusk. Someone grabbed a guitar from inside and Glen Hansard--of "Once" fame--and their friend Sam Amadon played a bunch of songs. It was really quite lovely.

Elle and I headed back to where we were staying at the Lighthouse Motel in pleasantville and tried to wrap our heads around the beauty that we had been a part of that day. it was a good day, I'll leave it at that.

The wedding was at this tiny fisherman's church on an outer LaHave island, tucked away down a gravel road, and overlooking another one of the picture-perfect bays. The church has stained glass in all the windows of lighthouses and was built in memory of several fisherman and locals who drowned at sea. The building looks like the skeleton of a boat's hull from the inside and smelled of rich pine. The afternoon light draped over the 30 or so of their close friends and family. The pictures will do the event justice more than words, but I will transcribe something that I said to Ez and Hill during the service.

"I have spent a good part of my life afraid that themost important moments of my life, the most sincere emotions, were cliche and sentimental, ripe for parody, afraid of being called naive for believing in things like love and beauty. But as I have gotten to know Hil and Ez, the life they have made for themselves, the people that surround them, and th love they share, i can't help but feel that it is genuine.

Their love is nothing to roll your eyes at.

And that makes me happy. Like soul-deep happy"

I thought I was going to throw up when I sat down.

Anyway, the wedding was incredibly beautiful and I couldn;t imagine a more appropriate way of celebrating two of my favorite people in this world's wedding. It was incredible. Glen played an Al Green song before they gave their vows, Sam played a song of his appropriately titled "Wedding Dress" as they walked down the isle together. Their vows were traditional Celtic vows, which as with everythng else, were perfect.

the photos that follow were taken by Elle on her pop's Pentax.

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"As you get older it is harder to have heroes, but it is sort of necessary."