Monday, May 19, 2008

Welcome to the Neighborhood...Biatch

Pumpkin Eater and Juicy Terror showed up (finally) on Sunday afternoon with two heavy logs (forever indebted, bros), 4 shortboards, two bikes and their entire lives strapped, packed, glued and shoved on top and inside a very compact Maxima.
Ladies, I give you the Pumpkin Eater
Terror's new crib.
Juicy Tassone Terror nose-wheelies on the way to the Depotfor some key replication.
Justin is known for packing more gear than any human could reasonably need. On a trip to New Zealand two years ago, he packed this bag, feeling he needed that much stuff for a two week stay in NZ. In the bag were two black leather belts, "In case [he] broke one."
Upon inspection of his luggage I immediately found these two Motley Crue inspired OBEY hats. One is bad enough, but TWO? Jesus fucking CHRIST!
We took a bike ride for some slices and to do some bed shopping. Pete got a flat. Bummed
Power-stance, Italian style.
Target (pronounced Tar-shay) mission.

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"As you get older it is harder to have heroes, but it is sort of necessary."