Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The effect of age on culinary habits: A lesson in Wisdom

So. We have our own apartment now. It affords us the ability to be self-sufficient and to save money by cooking our own meals. That said, the gap of, well not necessarily ability, but perhaps desire to cook not only good meals but cleanly, food-born sickness-free meals is interesting. Here are two examples. The younger generation of chefs represented by the ever-entertaining Justin "Juicy Terror" Tassone. The old guard being found in the kitchen exploits of none other than (ex-Picky Eater) Peter "the Pumpkin Eater" Murray:

I think Juicy was trying to make a burger.
This looks delicious.

Peter cookin up some chicken a la Murray

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"As you get older it is harder to have heroes, but it is sort of necessary."